Luka had the privilege to work with World Championship medalists from different sports, help achieve the highest level of performance to military personnel, counsel and train some of the most influential business leaders in Slovenia and through his writing and speaking able to reach and help tens of thousands of people.

He is an international author who has written three successful books and the author of three successful signature Potentia© training programs. He trains and counsels different individuals and groups both personally as well as from afar as a head coach of a private Potentia (Laboratory) Gym in Slovenia.


Reading of good books is like conversation with the finest people of the past and present. On the next page you will find a list of books that have deeply changed his thinking and therefore his life. He has condensed every category down to six best books.

You can also look at his top reading tips which he has intuitively learned over the years and check out a drill he uses for concentration. If any book on any of his lists had a positive impact on you send him a message. He would love to hear from you.


Luka enjoys cooking immensely because it represents so many things he values in life. You can express yourself through cooking, you can develop new skills, you know what is in the food you're making and eating, you can take care for the people around you and you can set an example that it is not hard to prepare food for optimal well-being.

Luka believes sitting down to a meal that you prepared for yourself and your closed ones is one of life’s greatest and simplest pleasures. He wishes to invoke in you the enjoyment to prepare great meals at home with the recipes that are waiting for you on the other side.



Ksenija Buh

Ksenija Buh


"Lukov profesionalni pristop mi je že po prvem mesecu vadbe vlil željo po nadaljevanju. Pri prvih tekaških treningih po redni vadbi z Lukom sem opazila, da tečem bistveno lažje in da sem po koncu teka manj utrujena. Kljub zmanjšanju tekaških treningov sem dosegla svoj najboljši rezultat po petih letih teka, ki je bil tokrat 8 minut boljši kot preteklo leto."

Vitja Gričar

Vitja Gričar

generalni sekretar JJZS

"Luka Gorše je s svojim inovativnim pristopom ter usmerjenim preučevanjem razvoja in pomena moči v borilnih veščinah eden redkih strokovnjakov na tem področju v slovenskem prostoru, zato smo se odločili, da ga vključimo v usposabljanja strokovnega kadra Ju-jitsu zveze Slovenije. Luka je uresničil vsa naša pričakovanja in se veselimo nadaljnjega sodelovanja."

Danej Navrboc

Danej Navrboc

sankač, kandidat za nastop na OI v Sočiju

"Vadbe v Potentii so odlične. Vse zasluge gredo Luki, ki se je kljub temu da je sankanje slabo poznan šport v Sloveniji, poglobil in spisal trening specifičen za moj šport, tako da se je v zadnjem letu odkar treniramo skupaj pokazal že zelo velik napredek."

Aleksandra Bradonjič

Aleksandra Bradonjič

evropska podprvakinja v kickboksu

"V Potentii ne poznajo besed "ne zmorem"... Edino tako športniki napredujemo, da nikoli ne odnehamo. Zelo sem zadovoljna s pripravo v Potentii, ker lahko sedaj izvajam vse vaje, ki jih prej nisem mogla. Vse zahvale Luki, gremo še naprej!"

Sebastjan Budihna

Sebastjan Budihna

3. mesto na evropskem članskem prvenstvu v karateju

"Luka Gorše mi strokovno sestavlja programe treningov, ki pa so se že v prvih nekaj mesecih pokazali za zelo učinkovite tako po občutku kot tekmovalnih dosežkih. Z edinstvenim sistemom vadbe v Potentii zelo hitro napredujem."

Marjan Podržaj

Marjan Podržaj

vrhunski slovenski lokostrelec, večkratni dobitnik medalj na svetovnih prvenstvih

"Vse vaje, ki mi jih je svetoval in pokazal Luka Gorše so izjemno koristne za povečanje zmogljivosti. Meni se je zaradi tega povišal rezultat, obenem pa zdržim kondicijsko preko celega tekmovanja z enako napetostjo ali celo proti koncu lažje stisnem več iz sebe. V kolikor se bo ta trend nadaljeval je državni rekord ogrožen."

Jošt Novak

Jošt Novak


"Luka mi je z veliko pozornostjo pomagal pri izboljševanju mojih umskih sposobnosti - nadzorovanju svojega uma in telesa. Z nasveti mi je pomagal do umirjenosti in ustaljenih dosežkov v mojem športu ter posledično vsakdanu."

Matija Matijević

Matija Matijević

evropski članski podprvak v karateju

"S Potentio oz. glavnim trenerjem Lukom Goršetom prihajam do želenih rezultatov s sproščenim odnosom in resnim delom."

Alen Štritof

Alen Štritof

študent Fakultete za šport, državni prvak v K1 in tajskem boksu

"Lukovo predavanje je bilo odlično. Malokrat, če sploh kdaj, je bilo do sedaj kaj takega na fakulteti."

Marjan Podržaj

Marjan Podržaj

world class archer

"All the exercises that Luka Gorše has suggested and showed to me are extremely useful for increasing performance. My competition score has increased as a result of that and I can also endure longer with the same amount of intensity throughout the whole competition or even squeeze more out of myself towards the end. If this trend continues, the state record is endangered."

Ksenija Buh

Ksenija Buh

marathon runner

"Luka's professional aproach has already in the first month instilled in me the desire to continue. I noticed in the first few running trainings, that I run much easier and I'm less tired at the end of running trainings after regular practice with Luka. In spite of smaller number of running trainings i have achieved the best result after five years which was this time 8 minutes better than last year."

Vitja Gričar

Vitja Gričar

general secretary of Ju-jitsu Federation of Slovenija

"Luka Gorse is with his innovative approach and focused researching of strength in combat sports one of rare experts in this field. The decision has been made to include him in the training of professional staff of Ju-jitsu Association of Slovenia. Luka has met all our expectations and we look forward to further cooperation."

Alen Štritof

Alen Štritof

national champion in K1 and Muay thai

"Luka's speeking event was great. Very rarely if there even has been something like that on the Faculty of sport."

Matija Matijević

Matija Matijević

European Vice champion in Karate

"With head coach of Potentia, Luka Gorše I am progressing towards desired results with relaxed attitude and serious work."

Jošt Novak

Jošt Novak

basketball player

"Luka helped me with great care in improving my mental abilities – in controling my mind and body. With his advice he has also helped me to become more calm and to be able to achieve steady accomplishments in my sport, and therefore in everyday life."

Danej Navrboc

Danej Navrboc

world class sledder

"Trainings in Potentia are excellent. All the credits go to Luka, who was despite the fact that sledding is little-known sport in Slovenia, willing to deeply study sleeding and wrote training specific to my sport, so that in the last year since he was training me I already made a huge progress."

Aleksandra Bradonjič

Aleksandra Bradonjič

European vice Champion in kickbox

"The Potentia team is unfamiliar with word "can not" ... the only way for us athletes to progress is that we never quit. I am very pleased with the physical preparation at Potentia, because I can now execute all the special exercises, which I previously could not. Many thanks Luka. Let's go on!"

Sebastjan Budihna

Sebastjan Budihna

world class karate athlete

"My professional training programs which are written by Luka Gorše have already in the first few months proved to be a very effective in the way I feel during competitions and also according to my competition achievements. With the unique training system in Potentia I am very rapidly improving."



Do you believe Luka's team could help you with a problem? Do you plan to start a daring new project and need our expertise? Do you need more information or just want to leave a message?

Don't hesitate to contact Luka's office today. You will receive a response from us within 24 hours.

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