Very often people come to me and respond with “I know, I know.” when I give them my advice on something. I believe them, but where is the problem preventing them from achieving the results they want then? Some would say they are lazy. Is that really the main reason or is there something hidden under that laziness?

When you wake up in the morning and go brush your teeth, do you do it because someone said you should? Do you do it because you read somewhere that if you won’t take care of your teeth you will have a toothache, holes in your teeth and when you go to the dentist it will be a painful event? Or do you do it because you have experienced the pain, the loss of time and the bill yourself? That is the difference between mere knowledge (I know) and wisdom (I understand).

It’s surprising how many people just don’t tell the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The problem is that many people think intellectual knowledge is enough. And who would blame them? Doesn’t the old saying go knowledge is power? When in fact knowledge is just the first step to power. Then comes the application of what you have learned. But again here people fail because they think that a single experience is enough. It’s not. That is a very superficial understanding or better therm would be a misunderstanding. You have to apply your knowledge again and again and yet again. The more you apply the knowledge, the more your understanding deepens and the more your wisdom grows.

In my case, I had to gain unwanted weight more than once before I realized that it’s just senseless to be overweight. It does not serve me. As simple as that. It was the same with nutrition, training and many other things in my life. People say to me how can you be so disciplined to eat healthy and train all the time. But it really has nothing to do with discipline. With discipline, you have to force yourself to do something. With understanding, it comes naturally to you. You don’t think or say to yourself: “I should train” or “I must eat healthy”. You just do it. When the time comes you get dressed and drive to the gym. That is all.

Deep understanding is therefore in my opinion true freedom. You don’t think I should/could/must eat healthy. When the time comes you just take a healthy option instead of unhealthy one. The more you understand the less you feel the need you have to think or talk about something. I love to talk if that helps somebody but otherwise, I just love to train and eat healthy.

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